The Eclipse Provided a Diversion
I admit that I have the ability to put a damper on things and I certainly did so yesterday when it came to the solar eclipse which some people treated as the greatest thing to happen since man discovered fire.
Sure in places like Portland, Oregon, Omaha, Nebraska and Nashville, Tennessee it was likely rather spectacular as they experienced a total solar eclipse.
However to be honest here I felt it was more hype than substance. I joined other co-workers on the roof of our four-story building and using the proper glasses did look in the sky at the peak time and it was pretty neat but otherwise uneventful.
I know others feel differently but I am a “glass is half empty” kind of person so this did not do all that much for me.
The one positive was in light of all the negative news we have been surrounded with it was nice to have something of a trivial nature occupy our attention and in many cases bring people together to share in something. It was a diversion badly needed.
Of course I’m already circling April 8, 2024 on my calendar as in just nine years we get another total eclipse from Texas to Maine when we at the Jersey Shore will be much closer to the path of totality. Can’t wait.
The “Jackson 13” live to play another day after holding on for a 12-9 win over a team from California in the Little League World Series Monday. R.J. Vashey homered twice to give Holbrook an early 12-1 lead but they needed clutch relief pitching from Chris Cartnick to the secure the victory and avoid elimination.
Tonight (7:30 p.m.) they face the same Connecticut team that beat them 7-6 last Thursday with the loser out of the tournament. If you’re a “glass is half full” kind of person than you build on the fact Holbook is just two wins away from the U.S. Championship game.
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