The itinerant suspect in a burglary spree through Ocean Township's Oakhurst section is found, and arrested, in nearby Neptune's Ocean Grove section.

Richard Stridiron (Ocean Twp. Police Dept.)
Richard Stridiron (Ocean Twp. Police Dept.)

Ricardo D. Stridiron, 56, was sent to the Monmouth County Correctional Institution (MCCI) in Freehold to await his initial court appearance on charges of burglary, theft, possession of burglary tools and criminal mischief, according to Ocean Township Police. He was arrested Thursday night.

Authorities said that officers and detectives fielded a flurry of reports of house burglaries in the span of several days this week. Some victims said that they left their dwellings unlocked, and some reported damage from forced entries.

Earlier this week, police listed Stridiron's last known address as in Ocean Township, but now place his residence in Ocean Grove.

Police did not disclose the number of ransacked residences, the type of articles stolen and their estimated values, whether the items were recovered for return to their ownrs, or the times of day during which the break-ins occurred.

Charges are accusations. Defendants are presumed innocent unless, and until, found guilty in a court of law.

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