JACKSON - Disabled residents of a new group home here will feel an extra measure of independence and safety, through smart technology enabled by a $10,000 grant from Jersey Central Power and Light (JCP&L).

(l) John Anderson, VP External Affairs, JCP&L; (r) Jack Mudge, CEO, Advancing Opportunites (courtesy Ron Morano, JCP&L)
(l) John Anderson, VP External Affairs, JCP&L; (r) Jack Mudge, CEO, Advancing Opportunites (courtesy Ron Morano, JCP&L)

Advancing Opportunities, Inc., a Ewing-based nonprofit organization of nearly 70 years standing, manages the home as part of its mission that includes education, career development, advocacy, and assistive technology.

Folks interested in the Jackson Group Home, on West Veterans Highway, were treated to a tour this past Tuesday, marking the grant and the bond between the entities. Typically, Advancing Opportunities places four individuals in each home setting.

The grant allows for the installation of power door openers, activated through wall-mounted and wireless devices, electronically-monitored water temperature controls, and motion sensors on doors, windows and beds to alert staffers to residents' needs.

"Supporting Advancing Opportunities' new group home is another example of JCP&L and its employees making the communities we serve better places to live by helping everyone have access to new technology," said Jim Fakult, president of JCP&L, in prepared comments.

"The holiday lights we have donated and installed will help brighten the new home, just as Advancing Opportunities brightens the lives of its residents."

Jack Mudge, President/CEO of Advancing Opportunities, added, "It is because of partners like JCP&L that we are able to fulfill our mission and promote independence, not only for individuals at this house, but for people with disabilities across the state who benefit from what we learn through this pilot program."

Morristown-based JCP&L, one of 10 energy distributors affiliated with the six-state FirstEnergy Corp., serves 1,100,000 customers in 13 counties. The company maintains a presence on Twitter and Facebook, in addition to its web page

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