
10 Stupid Things New Jersey Drivers do in the Snow
10 Stupid Things New Jersey Drivers do in the Snow
10 Stupid Things New Jersey Drivers do in the Snow
On my ride to work this morning, I encountered some craziness on the roads that inspired me to create this list of things New Jersey drivers do in the snow that make me crazy. It's been a while since we've seen significant snowfall in South Jersey, so perhaps people have forgotten that these could be dangerous conditions. A little courtesy and common sense could save you from an expensive accident.
Great Winter Hack for New Jersey Drivers
Great Winter Hack for New Jersey Drivers
Great Winter Hack for New Jersey Drivers
However, the worst part of the day after a snowfall is, without a doubt, getting my car ready to go. You know how you clear off the snow from your car, yet when you open the door, just enough snow gets on your seat to make your ride to work uncomfortable? The other thing I hate is chipping the ice off your windows.

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