In the world of predominantly male-dominated sports, here's an inspiring story of a 57-year-old English teacher and mother breaking the mold by venturing into a completely new territory.
Former Toms River High School East RB/DB Nico Steriti suffered 12 concussions -- has no regrets about playing -- but does say that more needs to be done to help athletes in any sport heal from a concussion.
It's been a tough couple years for Toms River High School East after riding a high wave in 2019 when they finished 9-2 and made a playoff run, but they're now looking to bust through the tide to friendlier waters -- and results.
In the months that have followed his passing, his family and close friends have found a way to keep his spirit and memory alive in the local community and beyond by establishing the Patrick Romano Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund, a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization.
Communities are in mourning from Toms River and Ocean County up to Niagara Falls, New York after hearing of the passing of 23-year old Patrick Romano this weekend in a house fire.