Do We Want a Wegmans Supermarket in Toms River, New Jersey?
Very often we ask YOU at home what we need here in Ocean County, and as always you let us know what you are thinking and this is another case just like it. This time we are talking supermarkets.

When we think is supermarkets here in Ocean County we think of ShopRite, Walmart, Stop and Shop, Acme, Aldi, and Lidl. I am pretty sure we no longer have A&P and Foodtown.
When YOU at home have commented in the past about businesses you would like to see here in Ocean County, one has come up a lot...Wegmans. Wegmans is a supermarket that was founded in Rochester in 1916. According to Wikipedia...as of May 2021, Wegmans has 106 stores in the mid-Atlantic and Northeastern regions.
You have said that this is a store you would love to see right here in Ocean County, so I decided to throw it out there and see what you at home think.
Would you want to see a Wegmans in the Toms River Shopping Center on Route 37 in the former "Foodtown" location which has been empty for several years, next to Kohls? What do you think of that idea? is Toms River the best town in Ocean County to bring a Wegmans into?
By the way, if you want to sample Wegmans you can go to Monmouth County and sample their stores in Ocean Township and/or Manalapan. There are two locations in Monmouth County.
If you have shopped at Wegmans in the past, what is it you love about this store? We would love to hear your comments.
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