It’s not a case of “Bah Humbug.”

It’s a very true and quite sad sign of our times.

The popular Cherry Hill Mall in New Jersey will not permit unaccompanied minors to enter stores on the day after Christmas.

NJ Advance Media was the first to report about this news.

The day after Christmas can be the busiest in person shopping day of the year; relative to sales and returns which regularly take place.

The Cherry Hill Mall instituted this policy a few years ago when teens created a significant disturbance at the mall.

It required the mall to close and the need to lock the doors with customers inside, until mall security could restore control of the situation.

Local police will be increasing their patrols at the mall in advance as well.
Here is a public statement from The Cherry Hill, New Jersey Police Department:

The weeks before and after Christmas include some of the busiest shopping days of the season.

Over the last few years, malls nationwide have seen an increase in the number of unattended juveniles that are dropped off at retail shopping centers creating disturbances and engaging in criminal behavior.

The Cherry Hill Police Department will have both uniformed and plainclothes officers patrolling the parking lots and the interior of the mall as well as other retail shopping centers in Cherry Hill. #CherryHillPD

It’s such a shame to witness the degradation of our society force measures such as this to be done.

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So how can Hamilton Mall be revitalized and become a giant hub of shopping for all of South Jersey? Let's make it a destination.

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A list of NJ malls where you can get photos with Santa this holiday season

More details and locations will be added as the holiday season progresses, so please check back often for updates. Malls are listed in alphabetical order.



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