That's a loaded question, right? How could anyone prove which state produces the sexiest men in the world? Well, we do know that the current sexiest man on the planet is from New Jersey, so that's a start.

The current Sexiest Man according to People Magazine is the very funny, very talented Paul Rudd, and yes, he has strong Garden State ties. In fact, he's born in Passiac.

Premiere Of Disney And Marvel's "Ant-Man And The Wasp" - Arrivals
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And as Patch correctly reminds us, last year's sexiest man was Michael B. Jordan, who lived in Newark.  He moved there at 2 years old.

"David Makes Man" Clips & Conversations
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But those two are not the only New Jersey men to be honored with Sexiest Man Alive honors. The first Garden Stater to get the honor was Tom Cruise back in 1990, rounding out the Garden State Trifecta of Sexy Manliness.

Rock Of Ages - European Film Premiere
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And by the way, there have been only 33 men named sexiest by People. That means that the Garden State is responsible for about 9% of the men named "sexiest man". That is proportionally higher than it should be.

And we haven't even talked about the Jersey guys who should have been or might be named sexiest, like...

Bon Jovi Performs In Melbourne
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It's surprising that Jon Bon Jovi hasn't gotten the honor yet. But when they find out he has a rest area named after him, they're going to think twice. All kidding aside, he should be on this list, right?

And I bet we can make a case for this guy, too.

Comedy Central Roast Of Bruce Willis - Red Carpet
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So, I think we have pretty solid proof that the Garden State is a sexy man factory. I hope you agree.

In Addition To Those Sexy Guys, We Have Plenty Of Othe Famous Jersey People

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