“Life in the time of COVID” could be the name of a book or movie but unfortunately it is what we live every day and clearly what we don’t know is how it ends.

We thought we had turned the corner a couple of months ago, at least here in New Jersey but as summer turns to fall things are not looking quite as promising.  Is it a temporary bump in the road or are we now heading in the wrong direction and one that could find us back to where we were last spring when many basically locked themselves in their homes with the exception of an occasional trip to the food store.

One thing is certain and that is this pandemic has made it incredibly difficult to make plans for anything more than a day or week in advance.  Halloween looks like a go (whatever that means) but what about Thanksgiving and Christmas? Are you going to get together with family and friends and travel or are you thinking that maybe the best bet would be to stay home?  How do you prepare when we live in such uncertain times?

Planning a vacation?  How can you, especially if airline travel is involved.  One thing is for sure and that is you’ll need good travel insurance because it’s very possible you will need it.

As for weddings, well the backyard makes a nice setting in many cases and remember I am a member of the Universal Life Church. Just saying.

Seriously how in the world do we set dates and plans for events in the next say 3-9 months?  Look what high school and college seniors had to deal with last spring and imagine much of that happening again.  No proms, altered graduations, no large gatherings of any kind.  Sure you want to be optimistic that this won’t be the case but realistically speaking it’s possible and again how do you schedule something that you know very well might be cancelled.

The pandemic is like a large PAUSE button and the million dollar question is do we get to hit PLAY or are we about to REWIND?  Unfortunately nobody knows the answer.


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