Jersey Shore UFOs – Did Your Town Report Any In 2020?
If you think UFOs don't fly over Monmouth & Ocean Counties, the 2020 National UFO Reporting Center report may make you think again.
Our opinions on UFOs vary widely at the Jersey Shore. Beliefs range from military vessels to weather anomalies to those curious little green or grey guys with the micro chips and medical equipment.
Wherever your thoughts land on that UFO spectrum you might find it interesting that the report includes a number of sightings over our area in 2020. And it didn't take long in 2020 for our first local sighting.
The first sighting of the year last year happened on New Years Day over the skies of Brick when a 'large orange glowing light' was spotted making its way across the Ocean County sky.
And if you're curious when the first report of a UFO over Monmouth County took place in 2020, it was March 17th when bright green lights were reported over Howell. The witness thought the lights may have had a helicopter below them.
Another sighting in Brick occurred on May 21, 2020 when a report of an irregular shaped object hovering and then taking off at a high rate of speed was reported. And these are just some examples of the reports received.
There were also reports from Asbury Park, Sea Bright, Howell, Hazlet, Farmingdale, Forked River, Little Egg Harbor, Barnegat, Millstone, LBI, Shrewsbury and Bayville. There were about two dozen reports in our area in 2020. And remember, these are just the reports from the National UFO Reporting Center.
Here's my opinion on the whole UFO thing. Do I think we're alone? No. So, before some of you roll your eyes, do you really know beyond any doubt we're completely alone? If you do, I respect that, but don't look at me to agree with you.
I don't want to get them upset and I don't want them showing up to change my mind. So I'll respect the possibility we are not alone until I hear proof otherwise. Thank you for understanding.
Satellite Internet reports that New Jersey ranks 27th in the nation for UFO sightings.