Are Frustrated Jersey Shore Residents Getting Mad At The Wrong People?
It has been a disturbing trend since our reopening has begun, and I thought New Jersey people would rise above it, but now I’m not so sure. After experiencing first hand what I did during my vacation, I’m afraid way too many of us are turning the frustration and anger we’ve built up during a pandemic onto exactly the wrong people, and it needs to stop.
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It was on the second day of my vacation in beautiful Williamsburg, Virginia when I first noticed it, but similar instances happened three times in a six day span. There was a longer than usual wait for a table at a relatively empty restaurant, and the couple ahead of us just couldn’t stop talking about that wait.
Let me be clear. Waiting 15 minutes for a table at a nearly empty place can be frustrating under normal circumstances, but here’s the point. These are not normal circumstances.
Then this really nice hostess tries to seat this couple and she gets an earful from this couple about how many empty tables there are and how the food better not take as long as the table and how the hostess is “not off to a very good start” with this couple. Come on? Really?
Are you really going to walk into a severely understaffed business and give your grief to the person who got out of bed that morning and came to work to serve you? I don’t care where you land politically, and I don’t care how frustrated you are, if that’s you, then I think you’re leveling your anger on exactly the wrong person.
Who should you point your frustration at? That’s for you to decide. Find a politician, or take a deep breath or something, but let’s all find a way to point the anger away from the people who are trying their best for you. And let’s all leave a little room in our minds for the fact that this hiring crunch has put a lot of hard working people in positions they may not be used to.
This couple spent their entire meal talking down their server and complaining about every little thing they could, as if it was their payback for the 15 minute wait.
Does this situation need to get fixed. Of course it does. Should you get the proper service when spending your hard earned money? Of course you should. Do you have the right to yell at some kid who’s trying his or her hardest because you’re mad at the situation? No, my friends, in my opinion you don’t. Let’s do better here in New Jersey, because I believe we are better that that.
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