Is Asbury Park’s Crane House Haunted?
One of the great historical spots in Asbury Park is the Stephen Crane House. So. is it haunted?
I was doing some research about some of the more haunted places at the Jersey Shore, and a name that kept popping up was the Crane House. So, what do some of the stories say?
Here are some examples of reports of the Stephen Crane House being haunted in online reports.
At tapinto.net talks about the eerie feeling the house has, but does remind us that the SyFy Channel's Ghost Hunters couldn't find anything during their visit. But that doesn't mean there's nothing there, right?
The Asbury Park Press once did an article that goes into great detail about the home and talks about how many locals over the years have gone out of their way to avoid the house.and there have been reports of ghostly voices saying hello.
And at Haunted Places, there have been reports apparitions and even stories of children crying and playing.And they even pass along the story of a not so friendly ghost there who was been reported to hit people who visit with tools from the fireplace.
Daily Record reports an interesting story about the Stephen Crane House. They talk about a one time housekeeper there who says scotch bottles seemed to mysteriously get drained of their contents.
And believe it or not, our good friend Tom Hayes from NJNG actually once purchased the Stephen Crane House to save it so it could eventually become a museum. He spent a lot of time there, and says he heard many chilling stories about the house and even himself heard some hard to explain sounds, like doors mysteriously closing.
So, the bottom line is, we don't really have any hard facts, but when Tom Hayes says he heard something, I don't doubt it for a minute. You can learn more about the Stephen Crane House at the Asbury Park Historical Society website.