These 10 Photos Show Off Icy Beauty Near This Brick, NJ Bayside Beach
Winter decided to greet us at the door as we kicked off a brand new year.
We had two snowstorms in freezing rain throughout New Jersey to kick-off 2022.
Then after a really brief warm-up, we were greeted with an arctic blast I did something unexpected. If you have been traveling around water, you may have noticed a lot of ice building up in some unusual locations.
How cold did it get on Monday and Tuesday?
Monday night we felt the bitter cold move into the area. The temperatures dropped to 18 degrees with the wind chill adding a little more punch, getting us down to 9.
That wasn't all It didn’t warm up all that much during the day or we saw temperatures around 20 but still that wind was better bringing down the feels like temperature to 3.
This, of course, created an extremely cold start to the day, today. It was one of those mornings where staying in bed under warm covers seemed like a much better option than going outside. Unfortunately, if you are not working from home, you had to leave those warm covers and brave the cold to get to work.
Ice forms on the bay of Brick Beach 3
Right off rt. 35, the ice started to build up near the bay. It's a really impressive sight because it shows just how cold it has been over the last couple of days.
How thick does ice need to get before walking out on it?
As exciting it is to see ice build upon a body of water don't run out on it. You should wait until the ice is at least 4 inches thick before you can safely walk out on it.
I really couldn't believe what I was seeing. This isn't something you see all that often on the east coast, it is more like the photos you see around Lake Michigan with the Chicago Skyline in the background
Yes, something like that but it wasn't happening in the mid-west. It was happening right here on our doorstep.
Now, if this cold weather isn't something that you are excited about then you're in luck. At least for now, we could see a tiny warm-up.
At least warm enough that it's more tolerable to walk outdoors.
Personally, ready for Spring. Bring on the heat.
Ice Building Up Near The Jersey Shore
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