It's America's oldest active commercial nuclear generating station. It's also one of Ocean County's largest employers. The 600 workers at Oyster Creek in Lacey Township generate revenue that supports shore life, in addition to generating electricity. This Monday, you can meet them and get a glimpse inside their world.


A day-long annual outreach initiative at the power plant's Education Center begins with students and ends with residents of all ages.

More than 300 students from elementary, middle and high schools around the county are registered to take part in Energy Edcuation Day between 9:30 AM and 2 PM. Plant operators have organized presentations and activities to broaden their understanding of nuclear energy and career opportunities in science and technology.

Community Information Night follows, from 4:30 until 7 PM. Visitors can learn about how the plant operates, how fuel is used and stored, environmental management, safety, security and emergency preparations. There will be light refreshments as well.

The Education Center is on Intake View Lane, directly off Route 9, just north of the main entrance in Forked River.

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