Car crash closes elementary school for entire day in Hamilton, NJ
HAMILTON (Mercer) — An elementary school was closed Thursday after a man was fatally struck twice by two different vehicles
The pedestrian was struck on Park Avenue while standing in the roadway around 6:30 a.m. by a 2022 Honda HRV heading eastbound, according to Hamilton police Lt. Richard Mastropolo.
As the driver, Diego Marin, 39, of Hamilton stopped and got out of his vehicle the man was struck a second time by a 2013 Nissan Altima that had been travelling behind him. Driver Dominick Rogers, 20, also from Hamilton stayed at the scene with Marin.
Pictures from the scene showed a sedan with a white sheet draped over the front hood and the grill.
Mastropolo said the victim had not been identified as of Thursday afternoon. He is described as a 30-35 year old light skinned male, approximately 5 feet 8 inches tall and 140 pounds wearing all dark clothing.
Classes were abruptly canceled at the George Wilson Elementary School after the crash. Hamilton schools Superintendent Scott Rocco told New Jersey 101.5 the crash was "unrelated" to the schools or the district.
Hamilton West High School is next to the school but classes there were unaffected.
Mastropolo asked any witnesses to the incident to call the Hamilton Police Traffic Unit at (609)581-4000
MidJersey.news was first to report on the crash.
Dan Alexander is a reporter for New Jersey 101.5. You can reach him at dan.alexander@townsquaremedia.com
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