‘And you are?’ : An apology for my memory (or lack thereof)
In full disclosure today’s segment is something I discussed a couple of years ago but since the problem still exists and one I can’t seem to find a solution for I have decided to address it again.
That is my inability to match faces with names which is actually getting worse over time and while it would be easy to place the blame on age I think there’s more to it and that.
To be somewhat fair to myself a big part of this is I do come in contact with a lot of people many through sports and others through various affiliations I have in and out of Townsquare Media.
However it is really uncomfortable at times to be approached by someone who starts a conversation when I have no idea who they are or where I know them from. If I’m lucky (not often) something might be said which finally turns on the light bulb in my brain and allows me to join the conversation.
However more often than not I’m forced to quickly end our dialogue and get away before I’m exposed. What is becoming more apparent is people likely confuse my brevity with rudeness and that bothers me.
My wife Jane has an issue with the way I handle these situations especially if I’m in a position where I don’t introduce her because I don’t know the other person’s name. She believes that common courtesy would be for me to admit that I have forgotten their name and offer an apology like, “I’m sorry but I have forgotten your name.”
She’s right…and wrong. That situation works fine when it’s someone you might have met once or twice but what if it’s a person that you really should remember maybe even someone who is fairly important.
They could take real exception to the fact you could not remember their name and it might be an insult that results in negative connotations. I will admit to being on the other end of this and walking away feeling insignificant when a person did not remember me or my name.
Bottom line. If I’ve had an encounter in which I came off as somewhat rude it was likely due to the fact that I was uncomfortable because I simply could not place your name with your face. Here we are at the end of 2019 and I just can’t seem to figure out how to own up to this.
I’ll put it on the growing list of resolutions for 2020.