Where Does New Jersey Rank Among Smartest States?
You can say what you want about New Jersey, but one thing is for sure. We think we're pretty smart.
So, just how smart are we in the Garden State and how do we compare to the other states in the nation. We checked the research and you might be happy about the results. You also might be shocked.
If you think New Jersey is a smart state, you are very, very, very right. How right? Just about as right as you could possibly be. You couldn't be righter, if you'll pardon my liberties with the language.
According to a report at U.S. News & World Report, New Jersey is the smartest state in the nation. Before you email us to correct that error, I need to tell you, it's no error. No one is smarter than we are.
We have a median SAT score of 1090, our high school graduation rate is 91% and nearly a quarter of New Jersey adults have a bachelor's degree. Add a few other facts to that, and it leads to a #1 ranking.
None of this explains our limited, yet colorful, vocabulary on the roadways. Yet despite that minor dent to our reputation, no one can take it away. We are the smartest state. We knew it all along.
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