Ultimate Guide To Finding New Jersey’s Favorite Wine At 6 Nearby Wineries
It's not just the great pizza, bagels, and seafood New Jersey residents have a love affair with. We are also in love with our favorite wine, and now our favorite type of wine has been revealed. Do you think you know what it is?
I have gone through many different wine phases in my adult life, just like I am sure you have. And there have been times in my life that wine was my go-to adult beverage and sometimes it wasn't.
But when wine was my choice, it turns out that I chose the kind of wine that's been named New Jersey's favorite by the website Eat This, Not That. And I bet you can guess it without much trouble.
The royalty of all wines in New Jersey is Cabernet Sauvignon, and that should come as no surprise to most of us. So, where can we get some great New Jersey Cab? We made a list of some of the great local wineries where you can find their amazing Cabernet.
And if you can support local businesses by drinking great wine, that is the ultimate win-win situation. Here are 5 of the closest great wineries in our area for you to use as a guide. Enjoy!
Your Guide to Great New Jersey Wineries
We chose the half dozen closest wineries to the area, and they all are awesome. So just remember, supporting local businesses can be super fun and delicious. Cabernet fans, take advantage of all the great choices in our area.