Tonight’s Mega Millions Could Break A New Jersey Record
Whoa! The jackpot in tonight’s Mega Millions lottery just soared to $830 million dollars. This is the 4th largest lottery jackpot in our country’s history! If someone in Jersey wins it will break a record. Got your ticket?
It is always so funny to me that people won’t buy a ticket until it gets to a certain jackpot. As if you couldn’t use an extra million bucks? It is true, now that this jackpot is so flipping big, more and more tickets will be sold. Who knew it took 830 million dollars to get our butts off the couch to get our tickets?
Of course, I’m pulling for a Jersey winner. If we get one, it would be the largest lottery prize by far in our state’s history!
The drawing happens at 11 pm tonight so don’t zone out on the Yanks taking on the Mets too long to catch it!
This prize is so big that it exceeds the largest prize we have ever had in Jersey by at least 300 million bucks. Not too shabby! If you want to get in on The Mega Millions Jackpot you have to buy your ticket by 10:45 pm tonight, but geez, don’t cut it that close OK? Go get some game snacks at your local gas station and get ready, you could be 830 million dollars richer by morning. Don’t forget who reminded you to buy that ticket.
These are the richest person in every state (until you win tonight that is):
KEEP READING: See the richest person in every state
If you win you can certainly retire early. Here are the best places to retire in the U.S.
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