Three Brick Memorial football players represent school at Jets game
Three Brick Memorial Mustangs represented their school at MetLife Stadium on Sunday after the high school became the Grand Champion of the 2018-19 Department of Agriculture's Jets Play 60 Eat Right, Move More program.
The New Jersey Department of Agriculture and the New York Jets honored Brick Memorial High School on the field ahead of the game against the Buffalo Bills for the Mustangs nutrition and wellness achievements.
The Department of Agriculture’s Jets Play 60 Eat Right, Move More Program is a collaboration between the Jets, the New Jersey Department of Agriculture, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and American Dairy Northeast that encourages New Jersey school children to take advantage of healthy foods in their school cafeterias and become more active.
The school also received a $20,000 grant as part of the award.
“Brick Memorial High School has done an outstanding job of teaching students that good nutrition and exercise habits need to be essential parts of their everyday lives,” NJDA Secretary Douglas Fisher said.
Mustang football players Nikolas Brzeczkowski, Ryan McCombs and Conner Underwood and the coaching staff were brought onto the playing field prior to the game where they were recorded on video which was played on the stadium’s large video board during a break in the game as the school’s achievement was announced.
In addition to being honored at the Jets game, the Jets are scheduling an Eat Right Move More Jets Play 60 Day at Brick Memorial High School later this fall which will include a visit from a Jets player and the New York Jets Flight Crew Cheerleaders.
The Department of Agriculture honored Brick Memorial High School for offering fresh fruits and vegetables with lunch as well as other times throughout the day as a healthy snack minimally three times a week.
There were over 100 students who participated in and completed the Jets Play 60 portion of the program.
The school is reportedly utilizing the award to upgrade its fitness and wellness equipment and to provide improved cafeteria options like healthy choices grab and go coolers, according to the NJDA.
Two other “Division Champion” schools of the 2018-2019 New Jersey Department of Agriculture’s Jets PLAY 60 “Eat Right, Move More” program awarded $5,000 grants were Essex Regional Educational Services in Fairfield and Lakewood Middle School.
"The New Jersey Department of Agriculture administers the National School Lunch and Breakfast programs, special milk and after-school snacks, the Summer Food Service Program and the Child and Adult Care Food Program," Fisher said.
"As a professional football team that plays in New Jersey, the Jets take great pride in a long-standing, year-round commitment to the community," Fisher said. "Programs funded by the New York Jets Foundation look to positively influence the future for countless young men and women in the tri-state area by promoting fitness and supporting youth football, particularly in disadvantaged communities."
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