Thoughts From a Three Day Weekend
Seaside Heights
Random notes and thoughts following a three-day weekend, one of several I will be taking over these next few weeks:
- We have had some incredible beach weather over the last month or so even when it was really hot inland. Seems on those days a strong wind from the south has cooled things off and made for ideal conditions. Let’s hope that trend continues.
- I need someone to explain the root cause of traffic to me because I’m a bit perplexed. I understand that an accident or road construction can cause delays but I don’t understand why when traveling a road like the Garden State Parkway you can be in bumper-to-bumper traffic for miles and then all of a sudden you are moving along at 50 MPH only to start crawling again.What causes the stop and go if there are no obstacles? I don’t get it.
- Here’s what I do get. I certainly understand that not all men believe “bald is beautiful” so when they become “follically-challenged” they seek alternative methods to make it look like they have a full head of hair. However with technology there is no excuse for having something that appears to be a dead skunk sitting on top of your head. My wife and I were out the other day and spotted one sitting across from us and I could not take my eyes off this guy probably in his 40’s with a dreadful hair piece. Bad stuff.
- Here’s good stuff. When I was young and could legally drink alcohol we often bought Rolling Rock because it was inexpensive. I can’t remember the last time I had one but after eight hours on the beach Saturday an ice-cold Rolling Rock was indeed very welcome and brought me back in time, at least for a few minutes
- There is no more over-hyped event then baseball’s Home Run Derby which of course takes place the night before the Major League All-Star game which is actually an event that used to mean something and no longer does.
- However I have to admit I watched last night’s home run hitting contest and it was very entertaining with the Nationals Bryce Harper winning in dramatic fashion in front of his home fans. Tonight’s game in Washington will not be nearly as exciting.
- Any truth to the rumor that President Trump asked Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred if President Putin could throw out the first pitch tonight? Probably just fake news.
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