Teen and elderly man go missing in same Central Jersey town
UPDATE: Police says Carl Nugent, who suffers from dementia and went missing on Thursday, returned home on his own around 5 p.m. Nicholas Practico, however, remained missing Friday.
HAMILTON (Mercer) — Two separate searches are underway for a college-age man and an elderly man with dementia. The cases are not related except that the two went missing in the same town.
Nicholas Pratico, 18, was last seen Wednesday afternoon on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community College around 3 p.m., according to police. A family member reported Pratico missing around 10 p.m.
Police said he was not operating a vehicle while he was at Mercer. He is not a student at the school but was considering enrolling.
Police are also looking for Carl F. Nugent, a 93-year-old man last seen Thursday around 9:30 a.m. He was driving a 2002 silver Nissan Versa with New Jersey license plate BAS33G.
A family member who reported Nugent missing said on the rare times Nugent left home he spent time in Hamilton and his native Trenton.
Police were not able to provide a description of the clothing both were last seen wearing.
Police asked anyone with information about either man should call 609-581-4000.
Contact reporter Dan Alexander at Dan.Alexander@townsquaremedia.com.
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