
Get the Duck out of Here!
Get the Duck out of Here!
Get the Duck out of Here!
Yesterday, someone made me aware that there were ducks in our pool, and being the animal lover the I am, I went out and checked them out. When I got out there, however, I realized my ducks were stuck. The mommy and daddy ducks were frantic so I called Toms River Township Animal Control, who were out there within 15 minutes with their nets, and scooped up the babies...
Enjoying the Beautiful Weather? [PHOTOS]
Enjoying the Beautiful Weather? [PHOTOS]
Enjoying the Beautiful Weather? [PHOTOS]
Bob & Marianne enjoyed the gift that was this past beautiful weekend.  The last pool day of the season was a big highlight, as well as a motorcycle trip by Marianne and her friend Charlie to the "Jersey Shore" house.
Last Pool Weekend of the Year?
Last Pool Weekend of the Year?
Last Pool Weekend of the Year?
Marianne and her friends spent their last weekend at the pool popping their old inflatable tubes and pool toys, how did you spend your weekend?  Do you have any plans of hitting the pool or beach anymore this year?