Hit The Brakes! Avoiding Making These Grave Mistakes On NJ RoadsHit The Brakes! Avoiding Making These Grave Mistakes On NJ RoadsDon't be that guy. And how do you avoid being that person? You learn what the most common pet peeves are. Nicole MurrayNicole Murray
Am I The Only Millennial In NJ With This Gut-Wrenching Pet Peeve?Am I The Only Millennial In NJ With This Gut-Wrenching Pet Peeve?Have you ever experienced this while going out before? Am I the only person this bothers?Nicole MurrayNicole Murray
Avoid Violating My New, Infuriating Pet Peeve Because Of Parking Avoid Violating My New, Infuriating Pet Peeve Because Of Parking Thanks to a parking incident I experienced in Asbury Park, I now have a new, infuriating driving pet peeve! Don't be that guy! Nicole MurrayNicole Murray
Do You Share These Pizza And Bakery Pet Peeves?Do You Share These Pizza And Bakery Pet Peeves?Sometimes little things turn into huge pet peeves.Lou RussoLou Russo
An Open Letter to Infuriating Ocean County Drivers Who Don’t Use BlinkersAn Open Letter to Infuriating Ocean County Drivers Who Don’t Use BlinkersIt's not only annoying when drivers don't use turn signals, but it's dangerous - don't become a statistic, Ocean County. Use your blinker.Diana TylerDiana Tyler
You’ll Only Understand This Pet Peeve List if You’re from New JerseyYou’ll Only Understand This Pet Peeve List if You’re from New JerseyYou'll only understand this specific list of Pet Peeves if you live in New Jersey.Diana TylerDiana Tyler
Privacy, Please! Does it Bother You When Jersey Shore Gym Goers Do This?Privacy, Please! Does it Bother You When Jersey Shore Gym Goers Do This?Does it bother you when gym-goers take the machine right next to you when there are plenty to go around?Diana TylerDiana Tyler
Don’t Be One Of These People: The Biggest Beach Pet Peeves in New JerseyDon’t Be One Of These People: The Biggest Beach Pet Peeves in New JerseyYou finally get the perfect day. It's not too hot, the ocean is warm and you're off to your spot on the beach. You're looking forward to a nice, relaxing peaceful day when one of these things happens.Matt RyanMatt Ryan