The Ocean County Fair, opening Wednesday in Berkeley Township, and similar events throughout the state, give kids a rare chance to experience contact with farm animals in petting zoos. Ocean County health officials offer a reminder to take steps to keep your children safe from health risks that go with it.


"It seems from mid-June to Labor Day, it's fair season…somewhere in New Jersey. County and other fairs offer opportunities for children to interact with livestock and poultry," Daniel Regenye, Ocean County Health Department (OCHD) Public Health Coordinator, said.

"It is extremely important to remember that animals sometime carry germs that are harmful to humans. When people forget to wash their hands after petting an animal, or bring food or drinks into an area where animals are exhibited, they are at
risk for becoming ill."

OCHD has issued tips for preventing the spread of germs after visiting interactive animal exhibits:

  • Find out where hand washing stations are located.
  • Always wash your hands right after petting animals or touching the animal enclosure.
  • Always wash hands upon exiting animal areas.
  • Running water and soap are the best, hand sanitizers are the next-best alternative until soap and water are available..

According to health officials, children, elderly people and those with weak immune systems should take special precautions:

  • Be sure children are supervised in the animal areas.
  • Never allow children to put their thumbs, fingers, or objects (such as a pacifier) in their mouths while interacting with animals.
  • Hand washing should be supervised.
  • Do not take or use strollers, bottles, pacifiers, spill-proof or "sippy" cups, or toys in animal areas.

It's also important to keep food and drinks out of animal areas and food should be eaten
in the areas where animals are not permitted (except service animals).

OCHD will have its own tent at the Fair on the Ocean County Airport grounds. See tips for lots of summer activities at the OCHD web page, Facebook page and Twitter feeds.

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