ROXBURY — Time to destress, kids!

The Roxbury school district has decided to use one of their emergency days to close the schools on Dec. 10 to allow families " to take a moment to enjoy the season, take a breath, and enjoy a long weekend amidst the bustle" of the holiday season, according to a letter sent to families on Nov. 22.

Roxbury Superintendent Loretta L. Radulic, in her letter, expressed how fortunate she felt to be able to have in-person instruction this year, while acknowledging that "we still have a way to go before we truly feel back to normal."

In her letter, Radulic quoted spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle to sum up the purpose of the season which Radulic wrote is gratitude and appreciation: "Acknowledging the good that you already have in life is the foundation for all abundance."

Another school district has implemented something similar, except it's not a "wellness day" but rather a "wellness weekend." In an announcement made in November, Wayne Public Schools Superintendent Mark Toback said he's bringing back these kinds of weekends on three occasions during the current academic year.

One occurred over Thanksgiving break, with the others scheduled in February and May. On these "wellness weekends" there will be no homework assigned by teachers, no tests or quizzes will be given, and no projects will be due immediately before or after each multiday period.

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