Petting Zoo, Soccer, Paw Patrol & More (Weekend With Carter)
If you are a regular follower then you likely know I have a grandson. Carter turns 3 in a month and I truly wish we could see him more often but Brandon & Jill live in Bergen County, I still work and most of our visits are of the same-day variety or consist of one overnight.
However this past weekend we went into full kid-sitting mode as we watched him from Friday afternoon until Sunday…I should say my wife Jane was the one who did most of the hard work. Keep in mind I’m less than three weeks from major surgery and am limited in what I can do but nonetheless I had a ball spending that much time with him.
I don’t remember specifics of my children at age 3 but Carter is a whip and very smart which I guess is what most grandparents would say. His vocabulary blows me away and if you say something he can hear expect it to be repeated including “we’ve arrived at our destination” when we took him to a petting zoo just a few minutes from their home.
Many of my close friends became grandparents before me and they would fully endorse the experience. Sort of the best of all worlds as you got to spoil them rotten and for the most part give them back at the end of the day…who cares if they had too much sugar.
Funniest part of the weekend was when we took him to soccer practice Sunday morning, a 30-minute session with about six other kids his age. We were not informed prior that it called for parental involvement and with my spinal situation that meant Jane who I must say handled herself like a pro and was running on the field with the other parents while I took pictures.
All in all it was a very good weekend and Carter was simply a joy to be around whether playing with cars and trucks to watching “Paw Patrol” (his favorite is Rebel but for me it’s Chase) and yes even the Mets. You sometimes forget how much pure joy young children can bring you even if they are a lot of work…at least for Jane.