Over 550 lives in NJ have been saved thanks to organ donors
The NJ Sharing Network, a non profit organization for the recovery of organs and issue in the state, announced that for the third consecutive year there has been an increase in organ donors in the state of New Jersey.
183 donors were coordinated in 2016 and 190 in 2017 according to Joe Roth, President and CEO.
It was the largest number of donors per year in the organizations 30 year history.
"Less than 1 percent of people who are die are able to become an organ donor, leaving a small number of eligible donors each year. That is why it is so important for families to talk about donation in order to make an informed decision if that time ever comes," Roth said.
One resident who is living a better life today because of her donor is Sonia Carlen who was the recipient of a double lung transplant in April 2017.
She was diagnosed with interstitial lung disease in 2015.
Carlen says, "because of my donor, I can live a better life now."
Every day approximately three people are added to the New Jersey waiting list and there are currently almost 4,000 New Jersey residents awaiting a life saving transplant.
Last year nearly 100 people died while waiting for a transplant.
Nationwide, there are more than 120,000 people waiting for a transplant and 22 die each day waiting.
The United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), which manages the nation's organ transplant wait list reports the number of deceased organ donors exceeded 10,000 in 2017 for the first time ever.
One donor can save eight lives and one tissue donor can help 75 people.
For more information and to register to become a donor go to NJsharingnetwork.org.
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