Huge New Year Changes Coming to Ocean County, NJ Shoprite Stores
We are creatures of habit. Once we get into our routines, we like to stick to them.
If Shoprite is part of your life, things are about to change in a big way.

Did you know that area Shoprites are operated by two different owners?
The Perlmutter family has owned Shoprites for close to 75 years.
They operate seven stores in Ocean County.
Shoprite of Waretown
Shoprite of Manchester
Shoprite of Stafford
Shoprite of Lacey
Shoprite of Jackson
Shoprite of Berkley
Shoprite of Fischer Bay in Toms River
Fun fact, this is the Shoprite that a very young Matt Ryan got his first job at age 14.
The other Shoprites are owned by Saker Family.
All told, they operate 32 grocery stores, and they are about to add seven to their portfolio.
The Asbury Park Press obtained a screenshot of a letter sent to Perlmutter Shoprite employees.
In this letter, the Perlmutter family stated that it was time to retire and that negotiations were underway for Saker Shoprite to acquire the seven Shoprites in Toms River, Berkley, Jackson, Lacey, Stafford, Manchester, and Waretown.
The deal was made in mid-December and the transfer of ownership is complete.
So what does this mean for employees?
The union has them covered.
One local expressed excitement over the new ownership.
Saker Shoprites tend to be bigger, have later store hours, and a better premade selection.
Saker owns Dearborn Market in Holmdel. Many of its baked goods and prepared foods come directly from Dearborn which is a big plus.
How will this change your shopping experience?
It's too early to tell, but Saker Shoprites are excellent.
Thanks to the Perlmutter Family for all of their years of service to the community.