NJ mayor gets penis candy in mail — she laughs but cops investigate
HAMILTON (Mercer) — At a time when some politicians across the country are on edge after finding explosive devices delivered to their homes or offices, at least one is taking a prank delivery in stride.
A package of "Eat A Bag of D***s" candy was delivered to the office of Mayor Kelly Yaede, which started a police investigation.
It's not clear why police would investigate or if any law was broken.
While the person who sent the candies has not been identified, the delivery was made through the website for a group called Dysfunctional Veterans.
The group describes itself as "a brotherhood and sisterhood of veterans rooted in sarcasms and the things that remind us we are not alone."
"We strive to entertain those who served, to offend those who never did. We know there is no better sense of warped humor than that of a veteran," the group said.
Yaede told NJ.com that the package had been intercepted by her staff and handed over to the Hamilton Township Police Department.
"When I was alerted to it I didn't give it a second though, and laughed it off," she told the website. "It was a prank and that's all it was."
The veterans group also found some humor in the situation, sharing an email they received from the police department about the incident. The group also noted that "we don't turn over the names of our customers unless we are compelled by a court." As part of the post, the group included a link so that other people can send a bag of the candy to other people as well.
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