One publication took on the task of naming the biggest star from each state, and it might surprise you that the person they chose for New Jersey had nothing to do with record sales.

As a matter of fact, would it surprise you that the person Wonderwall chose as the biggest star from the Garden State did not have one successful rock album?  Not one sold out concert, either.

But she does have a lot of trophies. Like 3 Academy Awards and 8 Golden Globes. She's been nominated for 21 Oscars (which is a record), and boasts 31 Golden Globe nominations.

If you're going to be the Garden State's biggest star, and the person who forces Bruce Springsteen down to an 'honorable mention, you better have a resume like that. And Meryl Streep does.

Born in Summit and raised in Basking Ridge, Meryl Streep is widely considered one of the greatest actors of all time, and few would argue that point. And now she holds the title of 'New Jersey's biggest star.

Sorry Bruce, John and Frank Sinatra, but there's no Denying New Jersey's favorite 3 time Academy Award winner Meryl Streep.

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