Food Fight! Selfless Phillies Fans Throw Hot Dogs & Trash at Each Other During Dollar Dog Night at Citizen’s Bank Park
You may think that Philadelphia is a pretzel town, but Tuesday night was all about the hot dogs... which kinda led to a food fight.
I'm happy to say that I was there to witness this incredible night in Philadelphia history. We'll ignore the fact that the Phillies lost to the Miami Marlins 8-4 last night.
But.. a legit food fight took place in the stand of both the first base side of the stadium and the outfield. I was there, and I saw it happen late in the game. In fact, here's some footage. @Jrog1122 wrote "lots of flying dogs" in the chaotic footage.
And, yeah, it wasn't just hot dogs being thrown about as you can see in that video. There were wrappers. Condiments. Everything. all being thrown about the stadium.
Since the world loves to trash-talk Philly, it should come as no surprise that last night's developments have made national news today with outlets like TMZ covering the chaos.
The New York Post didn't miss the chance to shade Philly. It said that "Phillies fans toss garbage at each other in the wild scene on $1 hot dog night."
Alright, I know it's the New York Post, but how dare they come for my city?
Though, I kind of hate to say it... they're not wrong. We literally DID toss wrappers and garbage at each other.
So let's start at the beginning here:
The promotion, sponsored by Hatfield, takes place for only a handful of games each season. You guessed it... hot dogs are sold for a dollar.
From the moment I entered Citizen's Bank Park, the energy was different in the stadium. Most notably? There were INSANELY long concession lines. The wait times in lines for the cheap meat totaled well over 50 minutes, CrossingBroad.com reported.
In fact, the group seated in front of me in the outfield last night waited in line for well over an hour just to save some money on the meat. Yes, I said it. They waited Over. An. Hour.
This means that fans were willing to spend most of the night waiting in line for hot dogs instead of watching the defending NL Championship, Philadelphia Phillies. Plus, don't forget that baseball games are now shorter because of the new pitch clock rules.
The wheels came off of the field during the 6th inning as the Marlins rallied, and by the 7th inning in Tuesday's game... the fans in the stands also went wild.
It's worth noting (perhaps?) that the stadium was also celebrating Greek college life last night (sororities and fraternities) meaning that there were extra college kids in the crowd.
So, I say that because we had all waited so long for food... Philadelphia did what it does best... they started SHARING the food with others!
I have to say I personally saw members of the stadium's security team remove at least two fans who were throwing debris into the air.
The next dollar dog night, by the way, is April 25th. Be careful if you're attending, though. if the Phanatic uses the hot dog cannon. Remember this in 2018?
Can I just say one more time: I LOVE Philadelphia?