On my ride to work this morning, I encountered some craziness on the roads that inspired me to create this list of things New Jersey drivers do in the snow that make me crazy.

It's been a while since we've seen significant snowfall in South Jersey, so perhaps people have forgotten that these could be dangerous conditions.

A little courtesy and common sense could save you from an expensive accident.

1.  Drive too Fast

No one is impressed with the expensive SUV that blows by leaving a wake of snow flying toward the rest of us.


2.  Tailgate the Person in Front of You

This is probably related to the speeder.  He/she has no patience for those who aren't driving fast enough.

3.  Didn't Clear Snow off Vehicle

Not only can this be dangerous, it's also illegal in New Jersey.

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

4.  Drive too Slow

This may seem like a contradiction of numbers 1 and 2, but, if you venture out, you need to move with the flow of traffic.  Those inexperienced in this driving should consider waiting until the roads get cleared.

5.  Racing the Snow Plows

We've all seen this, and perhaps you're guilty of this.  Give the plows room to work.  The more distractions they have, the longer it takes for them to get their job done.

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

6.  Make Sharp Turns

These are the same folks who also try to make the turn too fast, and then slide across the road.

7.  Cut Out Into the e Roadway

You're driving down the road, when all of a sudden, a vehicle pulls out of a side road.

The icy road surface makes it impossible for them to get up to speed quickly, and they cause everyone approaching to have to avert them.

8.  Fail to Maintain Good Tires

Why do we all seem to drive on our tires until they're practically falling apart?  Oh, is that just me?

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

9.  Don't Know How to Navigate an Ice Patch

If you hit a patch of ice and your vehicle fishtails (slides out of control), do not hit your brakes.

Turn into the direction your car is sliding.  If the back is sliding right, turn right.  This may be one of the most important driving skills those in our region can learn.  

Credit: IcyRoadSafety.com
Credit: IcyRoadSafety.com

10.  Ignore Black Ice

Black ice is one of the scariest things I've encountered as a driver.  This is a patch of ice on the roadway that's difficult to see because it blends with the color of the roadway.

The thing that makes this so dangerous, is that you don't usually see it.  It happens fast. In my case, it helped me take out a utility pole.

Most experts agree that the biggest danger to drivers during severe weather is speed.

The best thing people can do is plan.

Give yourself plenty of time to get where you're going, and slow down.

Finally, those who consider themselves advanced drivers, drive defensively.  Never assume others on the road are as good a driver as you.

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