92.7 WOBM and Gateway Toyota of Toms River honor STEVEN DONG of Toms River High School North as the Student of the Week.  Ranked in the top 5% of his class and a regular on the high honor roll, he is a member of the National Honor Society, Student Council, Yearbook Club, T.E.A.M. and Captain’s Crew while serving as Vice-President of the FBLA and webmaster for the Key Club.  Steven played volleyball for three years and volunteers at the Ocean County Library and Top Soccer.

LORS 2016
LORS 2016

A recipient of the Rotary Youth Leadership Award he plans on studying computer science in college.  Congratulations to STEVEN DONG, our Ocean County Student of the Week.



The Top 7 Solar Eclipse Controversies

The solar eclipse has been seen by few, shrouded in mystery by many, and its legendary status has come with quite a few controversies. Will it cause earthquakes? Can it shut down our electric systems? Will it end the world?

Gallery Credit: Devon Brosnan