Don’t Be A Slob! Are We This Lazy In New Jersey?😡
Hey, Jersey I'm not shocking you by saying the "Garden" needs cleaning!
We gotta stop being slobs and pick up our trash!
So this is my "open letter" or "opinion piece" or "op-ed" on something that just popped into my head as I took a quick walk. It's everywhere it seems these days. What am I talking about? I'm talking about litter.

It may be a dumb question, but why can't we be responsible for ourselves? You have something in your hands and you decide if will I find a proper trash can or if will I simply throw it on the ground, it is that simple. The trash is in your hands and you need to dispose of it, properly or just litter? What do you usually decide?
The photos in this article were all from a very quick walk and it appears more than one person made the decision to just throw their crap on the ground. If you take a moment to look around when you are out and about today you will notice in lots of places all over New Jersey and other states, there is litter. Cmon folks, we need to do better!
Just make a deal with yourself to properly throw out your litter. Just think if everyone just held themselves to not littering, how quickly would places clean up? Just throw trash out, not on the ground! Have a little self-respect and do the right thing. Is this "soap-boxing" Maybe, but I'd rather get a few people to stop littering than none at all.
Summer is almost here let's keep our towns clean. No littering, every little bit helps and when a bunch of us keep things clean it shows. If it's in your hands make sure it finds its way to a trash can, pretty simple stuff, right?
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