We all have vices. Soda is one of mine.

Despite reading study after study about there being virtually zero benefits to drinking soda, I continue to have a difficult time kicking the habit.

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At least I no longer drink regular soda. When I indulge, I stick to the "zero-sugar " varieties.

"Diet" soda gets me by, but there's nothing more refreshing than an ice-cold Coca-Cola.

I've learned to really enjoy flavored seltzer and sparkling waters. Have you ever tried Spindrift?


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Spindrift flavors its sparkling water with a tiny bit of real fruit juice. This gives it an authentic taste without added sugars; each can is under 10 calories.

My Mom thinks it's her fault I hopped on the "soda train." It isn't.

My parents were very strict about what we ate and drank when I was younger.

There was never soda in the house. I was allowed one can of soda weekly on Fridays when we did "sub night." I usually went for the Mountain Dew.

It was water and 100% juice every other day of the week.

A Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly Sandwich on a Wooden Cutting Board

Forget trading lunch items at school. While everybody else was enjoying their PB&J on Wonder Bread with Skippy and Smuckers, I was having all-natural peanut butter, Polaner jelly between two slices of stone wheat bread.

I learned to like it, but the other kids didn't.

Once I entered middle school and started having some money of my own and the choice of all the sugar-filled junk food I could handle, I never turned back.

Soda has come a long way with the different varieties and flavors.

How many of these favorites do you remember and wish were still around?

50 Discontinued Soda Pops