New Jersey, you’re going to need to buckle up before reading this article because it’s going to get weird. I truly hope this is the weirdest thing you read all week, otherwise I fear what else you’re looking at.

I’m about to tell you about a study done on bathroom habits that literally made my jaw drop when reading it.

QSSupplies put out a study recently about our restroom tendencies and they seem to be taking a toll on romantic relationships.


Some of the takeaways of the study are NOT for the faint of heart:

🔴 1 in 3 Americans say their partner’s public restroom habits have embarrassed them at least once.

🔴 28% of Americans feel comfortable “going” in front of their partner after 6 months—a milestone for shared intimacy.

🔴 1 in 20 Americans admit to doing more than just “number one” in the shower.

Tero Vesalainen
Tero Vesalainen

For me, it’s that last one that would be the deal breaker in a relationship. Either use the toilet before you shower or wait until you’re done!

There were even more disgusting findings from QSSupplies but you can read them for yourself.


Another bathroom habit that would lead to a breakup in my world — and I’m being 100% serious — is if my significant other brushed their teeth in front of me.

For reasons I can’t totally explain, that has always grossed me out to the point of vomiting if I see even myself brush my teeth.

(Don’t worry, I still do it, I just don’t look.)


Hopefully any future significant other of mine wouldn't have an issue with me occasionally eating in the bathtub. That's my bathroom quirk.

Would any of these bathroom behaviors lead you to question your relationship? Let me know in our poll below.

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The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kylie Moore. Any opinions expressed are Kylie's own. You can follow Kylie on Instagram.
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