How to make and keep your New Year’s resolutions
With 2019 upon us, it's that time for people to make New Year's resolutions.
Many usually start the year out great, but as time goes on, they fail to follow through on those resolutions. According to U.S. News, approximately 80 percent of resolutions fail by the second week of February.
To try and stay on track, psychologist Steven Tobias, director for The Center of Child Family Development in Morristown, said you should really think about what you want. It's easy to try and please other people, but when it comes to yourself, it can be difficult to think of a goal.
He said instead of being impulsive about your resolutions or taking the usual route such as losing more weight or spending less money, really reflect on what's important to your values.
After you decide what your resolution should be, set realistic and attainable goals. Don't be too ambitious, said Tobias. When your goals become too high, you can become easily discouraged. The key, he said, is to start out small, experience success, then work your way up.
Tobias also said it's a good idea to tell other people about your resolutions. If you tell people, you feel more obligated to follow through.
"When other people know what our goals are, it's almost like we're doing it to please them as well as to please ourselves," said Tobias.
Be sure to set a schedule and make your goal a part of your daily routine. When you do something out of habit, you don't have to think about it.
Also important is to reward yourself. It's wonderful to reflect on your successes and to feel good about that, said Tobias. That reinforcement is needed to keep the momentum going.
"I think it's OK to be a little self-centered," he said. "I think one of the things that's most difficult for people to do is to really have balance in their lives and to focus on other people's needs and the demands on them. But then also, take a little to think about yourself."