Causeway Truly Cares About The Community
If you’ve listened to my Hometown View on 92.7 WOBM in recent years you are likely aware that Causeway Lincoln and the Causeway Family of Dealerships has been a loyal sponsor. It has been my honor to be a spokesperson for them because they are much more than dealerships that sell and service cars, SUVS and trucks. They are truly a huge part of the Ocean County community and it’s been that way for more than 50 years.
David C. Wintrode, President and Founder of the auto group has been among the most philanthropic individuals in the area for decades and that generosity has extended to his entire family. The Wintrode Family Foundation funds Causeway CARes whose mission is to make a direct and profound impact in and around Ocean County in the areas of education, food security and quality of life. They offer time and resources, financial donations and scholarship opportunities while encouraging volunteerism and social responsibility. Founded in 2004 Causeway CARes also organizes vehicle giveaways for its nonprofit and community partners through the “CauseWheels Vehicle Donation Program.” Bottom line is Causeway has and continues to strive to make the community a better place to live, grow and thrive.
This past spring the Monmouth-Ocean Development Council honored Causeway with their 2022 Community Service Award. In making the presentation Senator Bob Singer told a story that best describes Dave Wintrode. Years before there was an issue with the Department of Agriculture and local schools that would bring a halt to summer food service in Ocean County for several weeks. When Dave learned of this he called Senator Singer to get more information and when he did responded with, “No child should go hungry in our county. You tell them I will pay for the meals.”
That’s Dave Wintrode and that’s the Causeway Family of Dealerships. By the way my wife, son, daughter and yours truly all drive cars from Causeway and now you know why we are happy to be part of their family.
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