For the longest time, I was never a breakfast person.  For whatever reason, I would wake up, get ready, and out the door.

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This was even in middle school and high school.  Yes, I get it, this isn't always the best idea when you are trying to learn.

There was something inside of me, not food, that I always just had the drive to get up and go.  As I got older, instead of breakfast, my day was fueled by caffeine.

Devin Avery, Unsplash
Devin Avery, Unsplash

That, yes, understood, is still not the best way to start off your day.

It wasn't until I started dating someone, my now wife, who loved her breakfast.  So, I decided to give in to the whole "breakfast thing."  I wasn't fully committed.

There were still some mornings when I would wake up and just get ready and leave.

I feel like after my oldest (now there) was born, I really started to buy into the whole idea of breakfast.  For the non-parents, running after your kids takes a lot of energy.  There is no way I could survive that just on coffee.  I tried.  Not happening.

I just can't have a boring breakfast.  I can thank New Jersey for that.

My go-to, ever since moving back to the Garden State, has been the breakfast sandwich.

New Jersey is literally second to none.

Jonathan Pielmayer, Unsplash
Jonathan Pielmayer, Unsplash

Of course, you get the debate between North, Central (yes central exists), and South Jersey about Taylor Ham or Pork Roll.  It's Pork Roll.  I feel like that makes a great breakfast sandwich in New Jersey, no matter what you call it, it's a must.  Along with egg, and cheese.

With the summer months around the corner and people traveling from state to state, and mostly to and from Pennsylvania and New York, it is important, 1. to stay fueled up, and 2. to find the best sandwich to start your day.

Here are the most popular breakfast sandwiches in the tri-state area.

According to Eat This, Not That, for the state of Pennsylvania, and by the way, the most PA/Philly sandwich you could ever get.  It is a Cheese Steak and Eggs, with your choice of cheese from John's Roast Pork.

In New York, the best sandwich, with 14 bagels to choose from and the opportunity to literally build your own, comes from Ess-a-Bagel in the city.

Finally, New Jersey's best breakfast comes from the Jersey Shore.  In Asbury Park, you can enjoy a delicious spot called Frank's Deli & Restaurant.  No one is surprised by this, the favorite sandwich is Pork Roll Breakfast Sandwich.


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