The Best Horror Movies That Will Scare The Braves New Jersey Moviegoers
Tis the spooky season!
Before we get started, some of you would prefer the family-friendly Halloween movie guide. If I missed any classics that belong on this list, please me at

The rest of this post will not be for the weak.
For me, it is an annual tradition to watch scary movies throughout the entire month of October leading up to Halloween.
If I watch them by myself, it can be tough to then take my dog, Carolina on her final walk in the dark.
Full disclosure: I have made my mom stay on the phone with me for the entirety of our walk numerous times to make sure I didn't get taken out by an ax killer in the process.
"Why do you do this to yourself, Nicole? Why watch them!"
This list of horror movies below includes options from just about every sub-genre of scary movies out there like apocalyptic, psychological, sci-fi and true crime.
Some of these horror movies are annual classics that have been around for a bit. Some are newer flicks that have received rave reviews.
If I missed a scary movie that should be on this list, please shoot me an email to
First, turn on all your lights. What? It will keep all the bad guys away.
You grab the popcorn, I'll grab the wine and let's take a look.
Do you think you could watch all these movies before Halloween hits?
The Best Horror Movies That Will Scare The Braves New Jersey Moviegoers
So, which one will you watch first?
If I missed any movie that should be added to this list, email me at
And for those of you who are looking for more family-friendly Halloween content:
10 Family Friendly Halloween Movies All New Jersey Kids Will Love
The Ultimate Guide To Best Spooky & Scary Haunted Houses At The Jersey Shore
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