Astounded and Amazed by Magician Steve Cohen
I can’t say I have been fascinated by magicians. Lke most of you I have been entertained by watching some of them and wondered how they did the various tricks. Sure, David Blaine is amazing but when you watch him on television you don’t get a true feel. Same if you saw someone perform in a large venue.
However on Saturday I came away totally and completely mesmerized by what I saw, or think I saw, during a 90-minute show titled Steve Cohen Chamber Magic. It was a unique Christmas and Birthday gift from my son and his fiancé for Jane and me and took place in a suite at the Waldorf Astoria in New York which ironically is closing at the end of this month.
Steve Cohen has been performing his show there weekends for the past 16 years and it’s an intimate setting limited to 60 guests. His card “tricks” were head-scratchers but nothing like his mind-reading exploits which leaves you simply wondering is it magic or can he actually read minds because nobody could offer an explanation.
My words can’t do it justice but I’m telling you that this was like nothing I have ever witnessed and I’m frustrated that I can’t even fathom how he did what he did.
The venue was very cool. The Lyndon B. Johnson Suite in the world-famous Waldorf, which opened at its current location on Park Avenue in 1931 and has hosted every U.S. President since Herbert Hoover(of course our current president has his own hotel in the city). However the Waldorf been purchased by a Chinese company and is closing for at least two years during which time it will be converted to mostly condos along with a smaller hotel.
Despite that Cohen’s magic show will continue just a block away at the New York Palace beginning next month. If you are one who likes magic and illusion then it’s something you have to experience. Reservations have to be made usually well in advance and for information visit chambermagic.com.
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