An Ode To The Greatest Place To Drive – The Beloved Asbury Circle
I can not think of a traffic spot that more people talk, complain or wince about more than our very own Asbury Circle. It brings blood to the boiling point on a daily basis.
They say that anger and pain has been behind some of the greatest art that was ever made, so I thought I'd write a little poem to the Asbury Circle. Maybe it would help me vent my frustration in a more constructive way, not that I consider bird flipping or cursing not constructive.
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So this is what I came up with. Let's see if this does anything to help us deal with the Circle From Hell in a better way. Enjoy.
You are the center of it all
The black hole in the dark
The dreaded Circle of Hell
In beautiful Asbury Park.
You draw your victims from everywhere
Anyone who has to drive
You terrorize equally
On 66, Asbury Ave. and Route 35.
You thrive on the bedlam
You love confusion and pain
You randomly choose victims
While we can't get into our lane.
You laugh at us all
Turmoil makes your day
And before we know it
We're driving the wrong way.
Oh, Asbury Circle
What you do isn't right.
You make us wish
You were just another traffic light.
There were definitely other things I wanted to say, but I tried my best to keep it family friendly. Imagine that. Keeping the Asbury Circle conversation family friendly. That's almost as tough as getting from Asbury Ave to Rote 35 South.