Another ‘knucklehead party’ — 300 told to leave house in Howell
Howell Police said they broke up a large "pop-up" party in a Monmouth County on Sunday afternoon.
Police from seven law enforcement agencies helped bring the party of 300 on Wilson Circle in the Ramtown section of Howell under control, according to Howell police. Most people attending the party dispersed but some lingered in the neighborhood, urinating on property and vehicles, according to police.
Most of those at the party were from out of town, according to police, who said roads in and out of the neighborhood were blocked to prevent more people from getting to the party
Police said the party's host was arrested but didn't say if the host was also the homeowner.
Under executive orders issued by Gov. Phil Murphy, outdoor gatherings in New Jersey are currently capped at 500 people, and indoor ones at 25 people or 25 percent of a room's capacity, whichever is smaller. Murphy has taken to calling people who violate his orders, intended to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, "knuckleheads."
Many told to leave the Howell party directed their anger at its host, who charged admission, police said. The party was advertised on Instagram as a party called the "Real Big Drip 5," with tickets being sold at $40 for men and $30 for women, according to a report by NJ.com.
A large party with 700 people was broken up in Jackson on July 26 and a campus party with student athletes was blamed for putting the entire Rutgers football program on quarantine. Murphy has said incidents like those threaten to reverse the progress New Jersey has made containing the spread of the virus.
Police from Wall, Brick, Jackson and Freehold as well as the Monmouth and Ocean County Sheriffs Offices and State Police all assisted Howell police.
300 Attend Party in Howell
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