9th-District Assembly representatives make case for re-election in November
It'll be another contested race this November as Republicans Brian Rumpf and DiAnne Gove seek to defense their 9th district Assembly seats against Jill Dobrowansky and Ryan Young.
Brian Rumpf says New Jersey is a model state for the quality of its public education and teachers deserve the credit for that.
However standardized tests are presenting a roadblock for them.
"We need to make sure that we don't mess things up, if you will, by imposing onerous testing requirements that have not been shown to have merit when it comes down to making education better," said Rumpf.
Dianne Gove concurs and believes officials need to let the teachers teach material that will help students more in the long-run instead of dedicated immense amounts of time on test prep.
"Students aren't learning, they're learning what's on the tests," said Gove. "They need to be creative and be able to think."
They offer possible solutions to the education dilemma in the video above.
Rumpf says another main focus of theirs is the conservation and preservation of the Barnegat Bay.
"The very best thing you can do with land if you're looking to preserve the Barnegat Bay is not to develop that land," said Rumpf. "We can't forget that lesson as we move forward."
Gove says they're sharpening their focus on protecting the pinelands and preventing off-shore drilling in the ocean.
"It's beautiful, it's an economic base to New Jersey and we do not want to destroy our fishing industry or anything," said Gove.
They offer possible solutions to environmental concerns in the video above.
A bill to provide more housing opportunities for our veterans was signed into law back in march.
The bill was co-sponsored by Assemblywoman Gove, Assemblyman Rumpf and Senator Chris Connors.
"We want to help them in every way, they need it, they served their country, some paid the ultimate sacrifice" said Gove. "These people coming back have a lot to give to our society."
She also credits some municipalities for granting veterans free beach badges.
As legislators, law enforcement and other groups work towards finding a solution in the fight against drugs, residents continue wondering when the overdose rate and selling of these drugs will subside.
Assemblyman Rumpf says prevention remains a vital tool.
"We need to get to the kids before they take that divergent path that's going to lead them to disaster," said Rumpf.
He adds that we need continue finding addicts help and find ways to lock up drug dealers.
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