311 Mobile Service now available in Lakewood Township
Residents in Lakewood Township now have easier access to get in touch with Public Works officials as they roll out a new 311 mobile service website to help put you at ease.
Residents can access the 311 mobile service site here and will be able to submit public works related questions and requests on their computer, phone or tablet around the clock.
"This is a system we hope will make communicating with public works a lot easier for the average citizen," said Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles.
He adds this mobile system should help with that, so if anything is keeping you distracted during the day or up at night give this site a try.
"A lot of folks work and don't see something until they come home," said Coles. "Even though we have crews there until 6 pm now, it's not always easy to reach them after hours."
Phase one is already being rolled out, Coles adds, and it's a topic concerning many across Ocean County and New Jersey.
"The first implementation we're doing now is to let residents report potholes," said Coles.
With potholes serving as a major frustration for many drivers, he adds, it's an important first phase.
The idea for this service was first discussed among representatives with the township committee.
"When our new director (Public Works) Patrick Donnelly started we told him this is one of the things we wanted to implement first and he went right to work on it," said Coles.
If you have questions or concerns about issues or are looking to report things like potholes, Coles encourages you to create an account.
"Sign on to the system, go to the drop-down box, and when you click on that it will ask you to put the location of the pothole," said Coles.
They then send that information and any pictures you take to the road crews to make repairs.
While it's limited right now to just reporting potholes, Coles hopes to expand the services.
"To have bulk pickup, reporting trash missing, snow issues and things like that," said Coles.
If this service works out well under the current structure, Coles hopes it could expand to other departments in the township as well.
"We are looking to try and computerize and upgrade into the 21st century as many things as possible," said Coles.
He says that includes a vision to one day be able to pay taxes online and download permit application from the inspection department among other goals.
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You can contact Reporter Vin Ebenau at 848-221-8100 or at vin.ebenau@townsquaremedia.com
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