This morning on "Story Time With Bob" - sponsored by the Whiting Hearing Aid Center - Bob told us a story about his childhood and we were wondering if  you have had any similar experiences...

Bob reminisced about a time when he was little and was sitting around the kitchen table with his family.  They were all drinking milk and enjoying each others' company.  However, halfway through drinking the milk they noticed something unusual in the the glass milk jug.

After inspecting the jug, they realized that there was in fact a handful of whole vegetables inside!  They brought the infected milk back to the factory where it came from and all was made good - but it still made for a good story.

You Own Food-Related Experiences

Everything worked out well for Bob - but do you have any of your own experiences of unusual items being found in your food or drink?  Leave a comment below to let us know!

And don't forget to listen for more of Bob's storys EVERY Thursday at 9AM for Story Time With Bob - brought to you by the Whiting Hearing Aid Center!

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